Contribute to PostgreSQL by Testing

PGDay Lowlands invites the community to contribute to the next PostgreSQL major version

PostgreSQL 17 is expected to be released during Q3. Currently, Beta 3 has been released and we expect the RC1 to be available soon. We invite you to test it and give your feedback to the PostgreSQL developers.

What’s in for you?

PGDay Lowlands will raffle among all the testers

  • 1 free ticket to the event, sponsored by Nexteam
  • 1 physical copy of the PostgreSQL 16 Administration Cookbook sponsored by EDB
  • 1 handmade elephant made and donated by Karen Jex.

In addition, we will create a Wall of Testers with all the participants of this initiative, so that your contribution is visible.

How to participate?

Download, install, test, report.

  • Download and install PostgreSQL 17 Beta 3. See instructions at the PostgreSQL website
  • Test your own application trying to spot anything that doesn’t work. If you can compare performance of your application running on PostgreSQL 16 vs PostgreSQL 17 even better. Be as creative as you want with the test. That's the best way to find bugs.
  • If you don’t have an application, you can create ad hoc tests to verify and study new functionality (partitioning, indexes, replication, etc), or run pgbench, HammerDB or any other generic tool.
  • More ideas on testing can be found on the wiki
  • Report your test by sending an email to using the format explained in the wiki. Reporting success is also a valid test. We are interested in knowing how confident we are in the new release, and sharing which applications are ready to upgrade can also be useful to other users.

    IMPORTANT: If you spot a bug or a performance issue, please send also an email to the psql-bugs or psql-hackers mailing lists, as specified on the wiki

If you report more than one test, you increase your chances in the raffles. The raffle entries are per each test.


The Wall of Testers will include all tests reported up to the official release of PostgreSQL 17. But here are some important dates for the raffle.

  • Tests reported until September 5, 2024, 23:58 Amsterdam Time will enter into the raffle for the free ticket.
  • The free ticket will be announced on September 6.
  • Tests reported until September 12, 2024, at noon Amsterdam time will enter into the raffle for the book and the handmade elephant.
  • The winners of the book and the elephant will be announced the day of the event.
  • As mentioned above, you can continue testing after the raffles and after the event up to the official release to be included in the Wall of Testers. We value your contribution.

We plan to give the book and the handmade elephant during the event. Unfortunately we can’t guarantee sending the book to remote places. We can always discuss shipping costs.

No elephants or tulips should be damaged during the testing process. Such a collateral effect will disqualify you from the raffle and the Wall.

Join Us For PGDay Lowlands 2024

September 13 2024

Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Our Sponsors

PGDay Lowlands would not be possible without our generous sponsors.